This is not a typical RealRoman style of job, but hey, I needed a table and the challenge was bugging me for a while. After few days of thinking I planned to do a 1 day work and build a table for myself. I checked many pictures for ideas and inspiration and finally I chose […]
Project 3: Friska Ginting

I have met a talented artist and I helped her to set up website, while I was in China. Her name is Friska Ginting and she enjoys painting anything, but her favorite is jungle tropical colors theme. Her website is created on WordPress and WooCommerce. I modified the theme for her needs and made […]
Project 2: Wildindo Bags

Wildindo project is not only about e-commerce, it is also about limiting plastic and supporting local people in Indonesia. Wildindo makes natural bags from Bali and other Indonesian islands. Their main materials are Ata and Rattan. They also do Bamboo bags. You can see their blog for the making of. While I was abroad in […]
Project 1: Piskvorky – connect 5 – 井字游戏

I have been making this game for 2 weeks and finally I can present you game of Piskvorky(CZ) online, where you can challenge me. You can try to beat me, although I warn you I am pretty good 🙂 You can also help with giving me feedback and suggestions. It works for mobile devices too! […]