Wildindo project is not only about e-commerce, it is also about limiting plastic and supporting local people in Indonesia. Wildindo makes natural bags from Bali and other Indonesian islands. Their main materials are Ata and Rattan. They also do Bamboo bags. You can see their blog for the making of.
While I was abroad in Singapore and Malaysia, I made the website on WordPress, copy-writing and picture edits. I feel that the hardest part is copy-writing. No wonder there are many people who offer these services
The website https://www.wildindo.com is still going through development and new product updates, but the main core is finished and running. Now it is the best time to ask for first feedback on a few topics. Please be as honest as possible. Anonymous response can be sent via form on my blog.
- What is your first impression of the site and individual pages.
- Are the links clear and navigating properly? Are you missing any kind of information?
- Pictures – is it good quality for you? Would you prefer more pictures in details of the bags?
- I know you cannot touch the material and bags itself, but what do you think about these kind of bags?
- What do you think about prices of bags – would you consider buying, is it too high, too low?
- What do you think about the description of the bags? What else would you like to know?
Feel free to tell me what you think. Write me email, message or comment this post. Your message will help Wildindo eventually to sell more bags and I will learn more about the e-commerce.
Thank you!