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Author: RR
Norway: Lofoten

It was a hard choice for our next trip to Norway. We were deciding between Bergen and Lofoten. Afterall we chose to got to Lofoten and there are some pictures from the trip with a few comments. It took some planning and even though I think it was planned well, it could have been way […]
North of Denmark and Oslo

For the Easter weekend of 2022 we decided to explore northern Denmark and take a cruise trip to Oslo. We started by flying to Aalborg and then by train to Skagen, which is the town at the northerst part of Denmark. It was quite easy to get to by public transport from the airport to […]
Bali trips and the map

There are some pictures from my last trips I’ve done in Bali before I left back to Prague. You can also find the map I made and uploaded here, just to make more realistic view how big it is and the most busy-touristic areas are in south and east of Bali, with beaches all around […]
Lombok and Gili Air

Who would imagine that I am going to reunite with my friends in Indonesia? The plan was to meet in Bali and then go together to Lombok and Gili Air and explore little bit more from Indonesia as it is not just Bali. I haven’t done much research in advance and thought it will be […]
Project 4: Carpentry lesson. Pallet table and shelf.

This is not a typical RealRoman style of job, but hey, I needed a table and the challenge was bugging me for a while. After few days of thinking I planned to do a 1 day work and build a table for myself. I checked many pictures for ideas and inspiration and finally I chose […]
Project 3: Friska Ginting

I have met a talented artist and I helped her to set up website, while I was in China. Her name is Friska Ginting and she enjoys painting anything, but her favorite is jungle tropical colors theme. Her website is created on WordPress and WooCommerce. I modified the theme for her needs and made […]

Borneo is huge island divided between 2 countries. Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. I went to Malaysian part to see Orangutans, which are getting low on numbers due to various reasons, but mainly for slow reproduction and palm oil plantations. I was lucky to see some in the rescue center, where they come for some food […]

*Unfortunately I don’t have any pictures from the trip, but at least a few of them for reminding. I was not really planning to go to Singapore. I usually avoid big cities in my travels, but this time I had few reasons to see it. I have a local friends in Singapore, I haven’t really […]
Project 2: Wildindo Bags

Wildindo project is not only about e-commerce, it is also about limiting plastic and supporting local people in Indonesia. Wildindo makes natural bags from Bali and other Indonesian islands. Their main materials are Ata and Rattan. They also do Bamboo bags. You can see their blog for the making of. While I was abroad in […]